Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Save the innocent animal! Don't let the tiger remain only in History and Environmental books! We Can Do It!!!

Add to the efforts to saving 'em. Please! :(

Save Our Tigers | Join the Roar

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dreams and Death are rock foundations of all philosophy. Dream world is totally different from the waking world.
Scientifically, dreams are said to be the 'sorting out of each event by the brain so that it can access each input easily and effectively'. Something similar to 'Defragmentation of a Hard-drive'. Nice.

My friend, Anna Arora, experienced a dream, a strange one, unrelevant to the events in her life but indirectly based on them. She saw a lake, or perhaps an unidentified water body. The surroundings were foggy and nothing but the water was in sight.
Well, at that time, she was, in the waking world, or let's just say, in her real life, going through a series of events that she could not recognize. That is, the fog. Everything was as blurred as the fog.

In early Hindu philosophy, turiya (also called caturtha) is a state of pure consciousness, or the experience of ultimate reality and truth. It is a fourth state of consciousness that underlies and at the same time transcends three common states of consciousness: (i) the state of waking consciousness (jagrata), (ii) the state of dreaming (svapna), (iii) and dreamless sleep (susupti).

Water is a very common theme in dreams - from quiet ponds to turbulent oceans and torrential waterfalls and thunderstorms. Water is very versitile and can have many meanings, depending on the context.

Anna, said that the water was well, not clear and not as dirty. And also the water was still.

This means that, she was going through a phase of life where she liked pleasure over anything else in life.
Water generally symbolizes the emotions and the unconscious.

She went to school but didn't really like it; for example.
She liked to hang out with friends instead of being ordered by her English teacher or any teacher for that matter. :P


Well, I have had dreams of flying high in the air.
Many times I even see myself falling aimlessly.

The former means, I had a sense of freedom. Since I was flying, this means that I had the freedom to do anything, as long as I want, no matter how I want.
The time when I saw this dream was when I had my summer vacations in class 09. Freaky!

The latter means, that I was once helpless and my Life lacked support. My social status detoriated and my friends seemed to go away from me.
I have had such dreams of free-fall whenever I cut off my virtual contacts with my friend following a quarrel or a fight.
I still have it. :S

I have had dreams of being in a fight with a Lion! And even making strategies of fighting with a Pride of many Lions! Or a Lion chasing me!
Though I guess this is the only animal I see in my dreams apart from my favorite, Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Both represent strength and agression where Lion is the King of the Jungle and Tyrannosaurus Rex is the King of the Food Chain of All Eras. (Era - <3 :">)

I saw both of these dreams when I had a fight with someone in school. The Lion one I saw when I warred with BigMouthCreature and Buman. The T.Rex one I saw when all of the 7thies were against the might of the not-so-terrible Social Science teacher of that time.

My mother, Mrs. Typical Indian Koli, has had dreams of 'meeting saints' and sometimes having conversations with 'God' himself. She believes in Lord Krishna.

This signifies that she has a lot of faith in God, obviously!
But talking to God shows that someone has guilt of something and faces humility in real life.
Well, may be... 'Cuz I always humiliate my mother at Home. O:)

As for me, I dream of being a God. This signifies that I have hidden talents (or powers) which are not yet recognized and I'm superior to other fellow-beings. (I already know that though)

Recently I lost all my fish in my vivarium. I was very sad!
I felt guilty. And I dreamt of my oldest fish in the ocean along with all her fellow fish who died with it.
Since, my fish were dead, and in my dream they surfaced in water, it means that in the distinct future a very disturbing truth was on it's way. Hm..

I've dreamt of others levitating in the air but me. This means that, I was out of contact with most people I know. And since I wasn't levitating, it means, those very people didn't care. :(
This happened when I was friends with ad_d_gr8 and Mr. Grimms.

Others were like,"Kunal! You're not talking to us anymore!"

So this means dreams are a virtual version of our lives?
May be. It's still a question why we sometimes have dreams.
And dreaming in dreams is really rare. It happens only one time or a two. :S
It actually means that our emotional state is quite stressful and we're really worried about something.

Okay Readers, I guess this is it.
Now, as my new resolution for my blog in 2010, I'll try to connect with you guys.
Please, pretty please! Mail me a topic so that I can share my views on it. Be it ANYTHING!
Since I was suggested this topic by Anne, I'd like more 'Cuz such blogs are not as confusing as my older ones!

Mail me at: or or
NEVER mail at as it's not my e-mail ID. :P
 But I guess I won't recieve anything 'cuz I know you all are plain:

Anyway, thanks for reading.
(I wanna get famous!)